Not pregnant. So very not pregnant.
All right. ALL RIGHT.
You know what? You know all that stuff about [insert simpering internal tone of voice here] "being more likely to conceive in the three months following an HSG, since it clears out the tubes"?
You know all that earlier chat about how [insert quavering indecision here] "It'll be good to wait a few more months anyway, since I'm just not sure I'm ready to leap into ART".
Well, guess what. I am OVER IT. I am so over it, and ready to move on. Bring me some fucking fertility drugs, stat.
Oh, and while I am waiting for those fucking drugs, I must have some booze.
Yes. I demand to have some booze.
I'm leaving work right now to grab a martini (or two) (or three) in your honor.
I'm sorry. I could ship you some Clomid I have laying around. But I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
Don't threaten me with a dead fish.
Dude, we are SO totally having a kegger.
And you owe me a call. Paranoid freak.
Oh Mare,
I'm so sorry. Yeah, same thing happened to me. After my HSG, my OB/GYN happily chirped, "There was a study done that pregnancy chances increases the first three months after an HSG." "Don't be surprised if you don't see me for anything other than a pap, o.k.?" was my reply. Yeah, and here was are 18 months later and nothing, still absolutely nothing. I'm sorry.
I'm drinking in your honor.
And Baby Hungry man? Why on earth do you need all that other crap in your cocktail? You had me at gin ;)
I thought I posted before but apparently I didnae. I am so sorry about the damn period. Please drink quite a bit.
Can I at least leave you with a little chuckle? Your post reminded me of a funny story my kindergarten teacher sister told me last week. She was teaching the kids about the letter "R" and was asking if someone could use the letter "R" in a word. Little Oswaldo raised his hand and said "Yes! Pirates say 'ARRGGHHH!!'"
I'm sorry. That is all. I am sorry. It sucks.
Fuck. I did love that movie though. And it seems very appropriate to quote on a crap winter day in Scotland.
Sorry my friend. Meds and booze stat indeed....
Well, that fucking blows large. I'm so sorry Mare. Here's to drink!
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